Monday, 7 April 2014

Speaking out

Someone posted on twitter so many adults remain silent- however if they spoke up they could make a difference. I wish everyone felt a moral duty to do so....
Wow this is a bold statement to make, and one who many people who have not been in the situation like I have could make.
When you are abused a lot of the time your voice is taken from you, I have talked a lot about self esteem and self worth, this is often stolen from you and you can be left to feel insignificant. Also in my case my abuser was my little sister’s dad, and my mother’s ex partner........ how would they feel if I told them that this man had hurt me?? Talking about your abuse is also admitting it really happened, when many people like me train themselves to bury it deep within them, to say it happened is a massive thing to do. 
Also disclosing it as an adult, I was worried about people asking why didn’t I talk sooner and being looked at as someone who has caused other children to be potentially hurt as they didn’t talk up. Not forgetting police, court, media etc and the stigma of being an abuse victim.
I was able to do what I have done because I at last had support, and of course I feel guilt that others after me have been abused, I feel sick with guilt.  But in order to talk you need someone who is willing to listen.


  1. You wrote "how would they feel if I told them that this man had hurt me?? "
    You are very concerned about other people's're good, really good,, so, so pro-social. I understand your difficulties in disclosing....people should be more ready to believe that abuse can be done by people they know.

  2. HI Joseph
    Thank you for your reply. You are very right in what you say. Its so much bigger than just words coming out of your mouth and most abuse is done by people they know. Thank you for understanding.
    Take care
