Saturday, 4 October 2014

Nobody noticed???

If you have been following my blog then you know how I kept the abuse I suffered silent.

I really struggled in my teen years with the normal teenge hormones and problems coupled with the weight of the abuse and secrets I carried.

This art work below is a painting I done when I was 14 years old.

At first glane you see a pretty blond girl in a lavish dress, but if you look closer notice the barbed wire around her. Notice the thorny vines working themselves up her, and the trapped women ghostly images surrounding.

This painting clearly tells a story, she has her eyes closed and is gripping her clothes close to her.

It's sad how something so clear wasn't seen and wasn't noticed. 

Newest Painting

Newest Painting

My art work


I'm feeling lost, I'm feeling out if control, I'm feeling like iv lost it and I don't even know what it is! 

But I am looking for it and, eventually, I will find it.