I left school with only one friend that I keep in touch with despite the fact I went to quite a large school.
I also worked for the same company for 10 years and met lots of people that I got on well with and really liked. Despite this after being left for a year I have noone that I say in touch with or meet up with.
Did I not make the effort or come across as friendly? I see all these other people that I went to school with and work with having close relationships, yet I somehow sadly have slipped away from school and work unnoticed.
Maybe it was my lack of confidence that made me come across differently to how I really felt?
I don't feel jealousy anymore when seeing people socialising with each other that I know.....I just feel sadness now that I didn't make an impact on anyone for them to want to keep me in their lives.
Maybe if I had been true to myself and not tried to be how I thought people wanted me to be, then this may have been different??